Shane's Lit. Studies Site
Wilkie Collins
Paul Laurence Dunbar


This website is all about the study of literature!!!! Included is information, links, and guides that will get you through the basic process of literary analysis.

Great literature is simply language charged with meaning to the utmost possible degree. ~Ezra Pound

There are many tools to utilize when analyzing literature. This links can help you with every literature paper you write.

The following is a link to an extensive glossary of terms that are commonly used in literary critisism.

Glossary of Literary Terms

The following link will bring you to a free online reference and guide for English grammar, writing, punctuation and learning. On this site you will be able to perfect your grammar, acquire writing tests, and even take English tests online!!!

Guide to Grammar

This link will bring you to a very extensive website on tools to use when doing critical reading. As we know there is a difference between pleasure reading and critical reading and the information provided here will give you the tools to become a better critical reader.

Critical Reading Guide


Diana Hacker's A Writer's Reference is a very useful tool when doing any type of writing. This website will help you with research, documentation, and formatting (including MLA). It also provides sample papers to give you a feel for the basic formats of your papers.


This site is a staple when working with any aspect of English

Hacker's A Writer's Reference Online

There is also a very pleasurable aspect to Lit. Studies that goes beyond terms and critical reading. To get away from heavy analysis and explication we need to read for pleasure and for ourselves once and a while. The following links are links to sites where you can explore the literary world at your own whim.

This link will bring you into the wonderful world of poetry. At this website you can look up specific poems or simply enjoy the poems of the day that are listed. You can even keep up with events that are occurring in the poetic world.

Find and explore the world of poetry

This site will bring you into the realm of short stories. Surpurbly interesting and often of literary merit these stories can be quite pleasurable to read. The link will provide you with a large index of short stories to open and read. Enjoy!!!

Find and explore the world of short stories

This next link will bring you to a vast collection of literature. At the website you will discover the full and unabridged texts of classic works of English literature. Some authors included n this selection are Lewis Carroll, the Bronte sisters (Anne, Charlotte and Emily), Jack London, Mark Twain, Charles Dickens and many others, with classic scientific works from Charles Darwin and Rene Descartes.

The world of literature